5 Things an Escape Rooms Can Tell You About Yourself

It is hard not to acknowledge the popularity of escape games. They have become one of the modern ways of having fun today. What is it ? The idea is that players are placed in a room and they have to find the key to get out. They are given various tasks and clues that help find the key. Escape games are always thematic and arranged in a certain genre.
People of different age and social background play such games. It is a great way to spend time with colleagues or friends.You can also go to with your family. Today it is not a problem to find an escape room in any city in the world. One can easily find the list of the best escape rooms in the UK or the US online. You will be offered a wide variety of games.
Things you might not know about yourself
Have you ever played escape games? It is a great way to discover many things about yourself. Psychologists have defined five main things that escape rooms can tell you.
- Are you a good team player? Escape rooms are usually designed for 4 - 6 people.In order to solve see all the clues and solve the main mystery of the game, players have to gather their efforts.It is important to be able to play as a team member.Do you make decisions on your own ? Can you listen to the ideas of other players ? This game is a good way to understand that.Understanding of hidden traits can help you in other spheres of life.
- Are you attentive ? The game requires good attention.Clues are usually placed where you expect them to be the least.It is essential to be attentive to various details.Do you inspect the biggest objects or small ones in the corner too ? Attentiveness is one of the keys to solving the mystery and getting out of the room as champions.
- Are you stress resistant ? This is a good question in terms of modern life.In most escape games you are given only one hour to find a solution.The idea of being limited in time puts a certain pressure on people, who want to win.It shows how people behave in stressful conditions and cope with the main tasks.Do you concentrate on time or small details ? Do you lose control of being under pressure ?
- Can you ask for help? Escape games have numerous puzzles and you will definitely need someone’s help.Each escape room has a mission controller that can give a new clue to help.Can you easily ask for help? There are people, who feel embarrassed when they need to ask for help.It means to acknowledge that you do not know something.It seems to be a disaster for some of them.Such things are not obvious in everyday situations and you might not even know that you have an issue.Asking for help is normal.What is more, people must learn to do it, if they cannot.You might need help in more serious circumstances than just a group game.
- Are you creative? You need to think outside-the - box to find each clue. Escape rooms are very elaborate and have many tiny hidden clues.People, who do not take a creative approach, usually have difficulties with getting out of the room successfully. Of course, you can ask for help but it is great fun to solve the mystery on your own.
Going to escape rooms will help you learn new things about yourself.It can help understand weakness and strength, and find a perfect job.Some jobs require attentiveness, others –creativity.It is good to know what you can be a pro at.